Wellness Blog

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Wired and Tired

Wired and Tired

Ann Zimmerman

October 7, 2022

The combination of feeling both wired and tired is one that we see daily in our clinic and seems to be a current cultural trend.  Many of us, especially women, tend to have trouble unwinding or being restful, even at night. The combination of symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia are way too common.

Our culture considers success to be a measure of how much we can get done in a day or how much money can be made.  This fast pace combined with the ups and downs of life's stress has many people feeling wired and tired.

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What Should We Eat To Be Healthy

What Should We Eat To Be Healthy

Ann Zimmerman

October 7, 2022

This simple answer is: EAT FOOD. However, this recommendation is not quite as simple as it sounds. It used to be food that was all you could eat, but today there are thousands of edible food-like substances in the supermarket. This is where it gets very confusing and overwhelming for those on the quest to have a "healthy diet."

This confusion about food has fueled the perceived notion that it's necessary to consult many resources on how to conduct this most basic question of survival. Michael Pollen, author of many books about food asks, "What other animal needs professional help in deciding what it should eat?"

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Summer turns to Autumn

Summer turns to Autumn

Ann Zimmerman

October 7, 2022

After spending the day at Talent Harvest Fest,  my heart was warmed by community and my body was exhausted. The festival happened on a perfect sunny day following our first stretch of cool rainy weather. Everyone was so happy to be savoring the last days of summer. I chatted with many people about how they just wanted to be outside; prolong going home to laundry, work related projects, and making dinner. It felt like as a community we were eager to harvest every drop of “fun” from summer, yet there was a tangible taste of fall in the air.  After the festival, I realized my heart  was in summer and my body was ready to rest in Autumn.   read more
Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction

Ann Zimmerman

October 7, 2022

Most of us can attest to the fact that stress is reaching epidemic proportions in modern society. Balancing work, family, health, money, etc. is a challenge that many of us feel ill equipped to face. Eighty percent of the doctor visits in our country are stress related. Our quality of life and health is largely determined by how we adapt and relate to daily stressors. Excessive stress not only takes its toll on our bodies, but strips the joy out of life and suppresses our creative instincts. Without physical health, joy, and creativity, life is scarcely worth living. Dissolving stress is certainly possible, but takes a commitment to making lifestyle choices that create balance throughout our lives. Here are a few ancient techniques for eliminating stress, increasing energy, and creating emotional balance. These are some of the most powerful tools we have for achieving optimal health and preventing future disease.

If you suffer from Stress, meditation is an excellent discipline to restore health, balance, and awareness to your life.

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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Ann Zimmerman

October 7, 2022

Most people associate Chinese medicine with acupuncture, but herbal medicine is a big part of this ancient tradition. The herbal tradition in Chinese medicine is one of the most highly developed, and long standing traditions in the world. In this system, we combine herbs to make a balanced formula that treats each patient as an individual. Seemingly different categories of herbs, with quite different effects are used together to maximize results and minimize any possible side effects of the whole formula. Herbs are also amazing because they vary from extremely strong substances that are closer in effect to pharmaceutical drugs, to more mild substances that are eaten as foods. This gives us a wide spectrum to draw from to best address each person. Herbs can include leaves, berries, roots, minerals, flowers and sparing use of a few humanely-collected animals and insects. Western practitioners don’t use substances that are endangered or non-ethically sourced. read more